Monday, March 31, 2008

OH LAWD get me through the month

So yeah, B, you know the broke ass bitch...he sucks. Went up in the job, made him sign a piece of paper, cause I will Judge Judy dat ass...and you think he's givin me any money? NO. you think a grown man with two jobs could afford less that $100 a week in rent and utilities?NO. I gave him two weeks called him, he didn't answer. Texted him telling him I needed to meet up with him and get some you know that this broke ass dude called me screamin on ME. HA. Telling me he didn't appreciate me coming up to his job, which he forgets, I worked there for 4 years, worked there before this broke ass man even knew where it was. And he most definately didn't appreciate me texting him. What was I supposed to do ask you hows the family, the weather....NO. The only thing I have to say to him is about getting my money. Conveniently he threatened his wife on me-because all of a sudden they care about each other, suprised he didn't threaten me with his two chics on the side as well... Ironic that both my brother's car window and my car window got smashed out the night I made him sign that paperwork...hmmm. So I pulled a Judge Judy, he wants to go Jerry Springer on me. REAL MATURE. But you know, if he couldn't afford less than a $100/wk, I don't know how he is gonna afford $750+ a month. He will crash and burn financially. TRUST AND BELIEVE. And you know what? I'll still be surviving, in my $850+, on my own and still being owed that money that it took to help his broke ass out.
UUGGGH hate men who can't do anything for themselves but wanna claim being grown.

In other news, I moved. Finally. Yeah that story's a bitch. Considering I was moving to my new apartment, left just to go back to my old home for the night. BAM. Freakin Tornado. They since have moved me into the same complex, different building, to a unit that I absolutely can't afford and will have to move again in 4 months as soon as my original unit is labeled "habitable." But I guess I can ride the free upgrade for as long as possible.., :)

