Monday, May 19, 2008

Judgemental Angels

Well It's been one heeeeeeeeeeell ova week. I went home to celebrate my girl Shan's graduation, Mother's day, and well, hell just a break. I quite possibly experienced the best house party ever to grace my small home town. Population 35,000, yes that's including livestock. Anyhoo. I had a walk down memory lane with an ex of mine, both verbally and physically. I can't say I regret it. I can't say I really even needed it. But it definitely helped get my mind off of things if not for the weekend. Having my night fling made me realize even more that I really need to take the time off of finding a new smash-piece any time soon. I am about as ready for that as Ray J is for Whitney Houston. I recognize that whore-bag crotch rot J isn't thinking about me as he lays it down with every chic south of the Mason Dixie line but that's what makes me better than him. Speaking of me being better than him....

I have been recently informed by my friends that I am judgemental. Although the previous lines (and posts) aren't really helping my case right now, this is news to me. I can admit though, that sometimes my conversation, better yet, my responses in conversation may make me seem judgemental. My friend Jamaica clarified yesterday that I am just more comfortable with my truths, and more open with my business, and some people can't handle that. Here is how I can translate for you my judgemental conversations:

Him: "I'm in between jobs right now."
Me: "So you are unemployed."

Him: "I'm a natural born hustler"
Me: "So you can't legally file taxes"

Him: "Our relationship is complicated"
Me: "Your still fuckin her and haven't told her you are out here tryin to bone other bitches"

Him: "I stay with my boy"
Me: "So you sleep on somebody's couch....."

Okay so maybe I am a little bit judgemental but I really am a sweet girl. I promise. And if anyone knew me they would know by my dating cycle that I give everyone a chance, and my judgements are all in good humor. Because hey, I've been there, and if I can't laugh at myself, I would have slit my wrists years ago.....

In other digressional news...I firmly believe that J hasn't even told his mom that we aren't talking. He definitely brought her into my job and acted as if nothing happened. Calling me babes. Rubbing all over my arms, hugging on me, yes, the whole 9 yards. Now that my friend Shan lives here I thought he might have brought himself around more, but he hasn't. Which we all know, in the long run, is a good thing. He however, randomnly, called me yesterday invited me to some party and I did what any girl with a broken heart who missed her ex terribly would. Acted like I had bad reception and hung up. 8 hours later he sent me a text message saying the following " Just wanted to tell you that u are an angel..."

Only the devil can truly acknowledge an angel when he sees one. Even if she is judgemental.


Bella said...

you are prolly just as bad as me!!!! i can definitely see it!

pertaining to j- what makes it even worse today at 3:20 I receive a text saying "Hello angel! I hope u are having a good day...."

After no response I then received another text saying "If you are not have a good day I hope this helps...May jah's blessings of joy and love always speak through our hearts and keep us on a path that is sure!"

I am a firm believer that either this man has fallen and bumped his head or I am now becoming a character in a really bad lifetime movie network film. Either way, it is truly hard for me to believe that after two months, this is how he would be attempting to get me back to where he wants me. And for the record- Its not working.


Anonymous said...

I dont think that that you're necessarily judgmental. Just direct and honest. You don't beat around the bush. I'm the same way, but people just say that I am mean.