Wednesday, May 21, 2008

that's a low blow even for an ass munch

oooooooooooooooooooooooooh you GOT to be kidding me. Just when the tests can't get any more serious. Just when they can't get any more sporadic. This dude comes into work, walks in my office. Conversation as follows. Please keep in mind, I shit you not my friends.

J: "Can I just hold you"
Me: "illllll....why?"
J:"I just wanna hug you right now"
Me: **a look on my face as if I was watching 2 girls 1 cup for the first time***
J: "What's wrong I can't hold you"
Me: "No...what's wrong is you musta fallen and bumped your head on a steel drum somewhere along the way in here."
J: "No I just had been thinking alot the past few days. I've realized some things. I've had some clarity in my life. You always told me that you would do more for me that any other woman in my life. You've taught me more. You've made more possible. I wouldn't have this job if it wasn't for you. You really are an angel."
(J just landed a job painting a movie producer/director entire studio=big time project=mucho credit due to moi)

I then choose not to respond to that partly because I am irritated that it took a sum of money for him to realize my angelic ways but nonetheless....
J:"Did you whiten your teeth?"
J:"How much would your uncle charge to whiten mine"
Me: "Just go get a kit J, did you need something??"
J:"I was just bored.... What are you doing on the 28th, I want to take you somewhere so make sure you free up your night."
Me: "What are you talking about? What you got up your sleeve?"
J:"Can you just free up your night please, don't ask any questions...I don't ask you any questions. I just really really wanna take you somewhere. You always handle me. I wanna handle you. I really wanna spend that night with you. Do something really special. Do something that will mean alot to you. A night of two people that remind you of the good times."

And do you know what this MOTHER OF A FUCKER THEN SAYS?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?

"I want to take you to the Alicia Keys and NeYo concert."

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH low blow you assmunch! After all the Alicia Keys songs I've lip sang to him, Alllllllllll the times I have turned up NeYo in the car and turned to him with him smiling at me knowing it was because, yup, that was our song because at one point he called me and played it over the phone to me. I really had have no other choice but to hate him. But I really had no other choice but to politely decline the invite. Mother fucker.


Anonymous said...

say yes.

Lena said...

I agree with peachy there. Say yes, make sure you don't shave your legs or anything else, take seperate cars and go enjoy.

Anonymous said...

LOL...funny as hell. I agree with ur girls, get ur concert on!

Bella said...

thanks ms teacia. giiiiiiiiirl if you only knew. this mid life crisis love affair is growin on me! ha! it is wearing on me i told peach that the conversation would be as follows:

"j- if you are taking me purely to show your appreciation than i will gladly accept the tickets and take a friend and enjoy all the concert has to offer. Of course if you are inviting me because you are realizing your incredibly stupid mistakes and you no longer can stand living such a pathedic life without me and all my wonderful awesomess I will gladly accept the tickets and go withyou as your GIRLFRIEND. thank you so much!"