Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm scared.

As I listen to Maury today, and all the infamous baby-mamma-daddy-you aint shit-im taking you to court-drama...I really do feel bad for the chi'rren. They got these crazy, off the wall, trashy people at times more worried about who the parents doing the nasty to, then about the kids. But do you know who I am scared for? Me. Cause these crazy ass people are raising the children that one day are going to be responsible for my meds and wipin my ass in a nursing home.


boo said...

im worried that these kids will be dating or hanging out with mine

Lena said...

I watch Maury and I feel entertained but at the same time I feel sad that this is what our society is coming to. So I just stopped watching it. But honestly, I miss those paternity and lie detector shows.

Thanks for the advice you left me! I am just going to keep quiet and be supportive for the kids. But if one of them gets hurts in the midst of that...ha.

Anonymous said...

Maury is funny to watch but when you stop laughing and see the reality that's out there, it makes your stomach cringe. Sad state of affairs.